Meet Some of the People Who Benefit from JBIs Services
After my husband became blind, the wonderful Talking Books you sent him brought him hours and hours of pleasure. Thank you for making his difficult problems so much more bearable.Mildred R., New York, NY
Although Tyler received many wonderful gifts on his Bar Mitzvah, yours was surely his greatest gift. Tyler will never be blind to the beauty of his heritage, in large part thanks to JBI. With gratitude from one proud and thankful family.Stephanie K., Leawood, KS
Your mailings mean so much to me, especially the Cultural Series. As I become more and more immobile, and the pain becomes unbearable, you help me get through those dark hours. Some have made me laugh, and others have brought tears to my eyes. All help me learn. Thank you so much for both your work and your gifts to me.Peggy K., Torrington, CT
My mother has macular degeneration and uses your services daily. She was a teacher for 41 years and passed on her love of books and learning not only to her three children, but to hundreds of children. It is horrible to watch someone for whom reading was paramount not be able to see. Fortunately, there is JBI!! Thank you for all your help.Robin W., Princeton, NJ
I would like to thank you for helping my mom enjoy life a little more by listening to your audio books.Sylvia C., London, England
Not everybody understands what an avid reader experiences when he/she suddenly becomes visually impaired. JBI is doing a great job helping people like me. Thanks to you I see new perspectives. You have helped improve my life quality.Yakov G., St. Petersburg, Russia
Madeline would just be sitting there passively if she didn't have JBI's materials to put her on an equal playing field with the other kids. Now, she's able to keep up. Really, there is no other place that does what JBI does.Missy G., Wynnewood, PA
Madeline would just be sitting there passively if she didn't have JBI's materials to put her on an equal playing field with the other kids. Now, she's able to keep up. Really, there is no other place that does what JBI does.Missy G., Wynnewood, PA
Reading had become a chore for me because of my macular degeneration. JBI's help is greatly appreciated. Now I am on the road to great pleasure, contentment, ideas and entertainment.James T., Tamarac, FL
Without the JBI book club, I'd stop reading altogether. The club keeps me involved and thinking and makes me feel like I'm still 'a part of things.'Aaron B., Boynton Beach, FL
When I gave my mother the Large Print Haggadah, her face lit up. She was so grateful that she won't have to just listen at her communal Seder, but be able to follow along as she has always done. Your work is really appreciated.Chana H., Ra'anana, Israel