Upcoming Programs:
Register for our virtual Chanukah 101 on Tuesday, December 17 by visiting our Judaism 101 registration page.
Curated Chanukah Materials:
Below are our Chanukah prayers, free to download, in Large Print, MP3, and Digital Talking Book. Patrons and their families can also receive Braille copies of the prayers by contacting our librarians via email or by calling 1-800-433-1531 or 212-545-8025.
Large Print booklet
Large Print Hanukkah Prayers (Russian)
Digital Talking Book
Large Print Hanukkah Prayers (Russian)
Digital Talking Book
Before lighting the candles:
While lighting the candles:
Recited only on the first night:
Audio recorded for JBI by Bill Gross, patron and JBI board member, and Cheryl Gross
Chanukah 2024 Recommended Reads
Below please find a list of Chanukah books from our catalog from liturgical texts to children’s books, recommended by JBI’s librarians.
For any questions, please contact our librarians at library@jbilibrary.org or 212-845-2025
Candle Lighting Prayer: Large Print
Candle Lighting Prayer: Large Print
For adults:
Power of Light: Eight Stories for Hanukah by Isaac Bashevis Singer
Hanukkah Book by Harriet Marcus
Power of Light: Eight Stories for Hanukah by Isaac Bashevis Singer
Hanukkah Book by Harriet Marcus
For families & children:
Josh & Alisha Celebrate Chanukah by Kay Greenberg (Braille read along book)
The Peddler and the Baker (ages 5-10) by Yael Molchadsky
Hanukkah at Monica’s (ages 0-5) by Varda Livney
Until the Blueberries Grow (ages 5-10) by Jennifer Wolf Kam
Jeremy’s Dreidel (age 5-10) by Ellie B. Gellman and Maria Mola
K’Tonton: The Circus. A Hanukah Adventure by Sadie Rose Weilerstein
The Hanukah Play by Robert Garvey
Judah Who Always Said No by Harriet Feder
Light Another Candle: The Story and Meaning of Hanukkah by Miriam Chaiken
The Night Before Hanukkah (The Night Before) by Natasha Wing
Happy Hanukkah, Curious George (Curious George) by H.A. Rey & Margaret Rey
Moishe’s Miracle: A Hanukkah Story by Laura Krauss Melmed & David Slomin
Hanukkah, Here I Come! (Here I Come!) by D.J. Steinberg
How I Saved Hanukkah by Amy Goldman Koss & David Degroat
The Borrowed Hanukkah Latkes by Nancy Cote & Linda Glaser
Hanukah Bear by Eric A. Kimmel
Happy Hanukkah! (Peppa Pig Ser.) by Cala Spinner
Josh & Alisha Celebrate Chanukah by Kay Greenberg (Braille read along book)
The Peddler and the Baker (ages 5-10) by Yael Molchadsky
Hanukkah at Monica’s (ages 0-5) by Varda Livney
Until the Blueberries Grow (ages 5-10) by Jennifer Wolf Kam
Jeremy’s Dreidel (age 5-10) by Ellie B. Gellman and Maria Mola
K’Tonton: The Circus. A Hanukah Adventure by Sadie Rose Weilerstein
The Hanukah Play by Robert Garvey
Judah Who Always Said No by Harriet Feder
Light Another Candle: The Story and Meaning of Hanukkah by Miriam Chaiken
The Night Before Hanukkah (The Night Before) by Natasha Wing
Happy Hanukkah, Curious George (Curious George) by H.A. Rey & Margaret Rey
Moishe’s Miracle: A Hanukkah Story by Laura Krauss Melmed & David Slomin
Hanukkah, Here I Come! (Here I Come!) by D.J. Steinberg
How I Saved Hanukkah by Amy Goldman Koss & David Degroat
The Borrowed Hanukkah Latkes by Nancy Cote & Linda Glaser
Hanukah Bear by Eric A. Kimmel
Happy Hanukkah! (Peppa Pig Ser.) by Cala Spinner